Monday, March 31, 2014

On the midterm exam, aka. something that needs to be said.

My mom is bad at math. I have tried many times to show her things that I think are really cool little tidbits of mathematics, and even things that are relatively simple she has trouble grasping. However my mom is an incredibly intelligent woman who has 3 degrees and graduated with a 4.0 GPA from Mt. Allison University in 1981.

Does not being bad at math make my mom stupid? By most people's standards, absolutely not. She is just not cut out for Math, and that is perfectly fine.

So this last midterm had a raw average of about 44%, which is the worst I have seen in any of my classes so far at U of T. Most of the people I know who are relatively talented at computer science or math easily got over 100% (one such friend got 100% BEFORE curving), so I have one thing to say:

Maybe if you failed, computer science isn't for you.

Sure, you may want it to be, you may like video games and want to program them, perhaps you heard that computer science can lead to a lucrative career. However if you struggle so badly to do something that a significant amount of people can do well at... maybe it isn't for you and you should consider something more in line with your talents.


  1. Not everyone who is taking this course is even planning to do a subject post in computer science, so not all of us necessarily have to be good at it. Congrats to your friends though, that's amazing!

  2. Very true.

    I am mainly just talking about people who try really hard, get poor marks, and then blame the teachers or the test or the assignment testing protocol etc. (you can see a few of these on piazza periodically). Plus the anonymity of the internet helps.
